Climate Transition Plan
Transition Plan Realization
From concept to operational implementation: with a customized Climate Transition Plan that puts your company on the path to Net-Zero. Doing business sustainably, promoting innovation and meeting legal requirements - without compromise.
The challenge
Net Zero
- Create innovations with the highest degree of novelty.
- Establish a second mainstay and generate sales in previously unknown markets.
- Break free from existing dependencies.
The solution
Transition Plan Realization
- Our research team evaluates the probability of success, sales strength and growth prospects.
- We identify specific problems (pain points) in the markets.
- We support you in the development of radical and disruptive innovations.
The result
Future-proof & sustainable
- We accompany you from the idea to the finished prototype.
- Your disruptive innovation conquers new markets.
- Develop new business areas with which you can generate additional sales.
Sustainable Innovaiton
How can my company implement sustainability in an economically viable way without risking competitive disadvantages?
How can my company implement sustainability in an economically viable way without risking competitive disadvantages?
Sustainability is not a cost factor - it is rather a strategic investment in the future of your company that brings not only short-term but also long-term benefits. By implementing a well-thought-out and structured Climate Transition Plan, companies can significantly increase their efficiency by optimizing processes and reducing energy consumption. At the same time, valuable resources are conserved, which not only protects the environment but also reduces operating costs. In addition, such a plan opens up new potential for innovation by creating space for creative solutions that future-proof the company and enable it to stand out from the competition. These measures help to secure long-term competitive advantages, which are crucial for success in a changing market environment. Those who act proactively now will meet regulatory requirements and also position themselves as pioneers in a market that is increasingly demanding sustainable solutions.
Disruptive Innovation
How can I significantly reduce CO₂ emissions in my supply chain?
How can I significantly reduce CO₂ emissions in my supply chain?
Many emissions are generated in the supply chain - but this is precisely where there is enormous potential for innovation. In the supply chain, which includes all steps from raw material extraction to production and delivery to the end customer, there are numerous opportunities to reduce emissions and increase efficiency at the same time. By using sustainable materials that come from renewable or recycled sources, companies can reduce their environmental footprint and reduce their dependence on scarce and expensive raw materials. Alternative sourcing strategies, such as local sourcing or working with suppliers who are committed to environmentally friendly practices, also help to reduce emissions. In addition, new production technologies, such as additive manufacturing or the use of AI to optimize production processes, enable a more efficient use of resources and a reduction in waste. These measures not only lead to a reduction in CO₂ emissions, but also offer the opportunity to optimize costs and increase competitiveness.
Our approach: We identify your biggest levers for your company and develop customized solutions that combine sustainability with economic success. This is the way to Net-Zero!
Sustainable innovation
Transition Plan Realization means implementing measures and achieving Net Zero.
- Develop innovation with a high degree of novelty.
- Open up new sources of revenue.
- Shape new markets with your experience.
- Learn from new business areas.
Why we are the right partner.

We combine strategy with innovation to develop customized solutions that not only reduce CO₂ emissions, but also create economic added value.

Our expertise in sustainable transformation helps companies to meet regulatory requirements and establish sustainable business models at the same time.

From analysis to implementation, we support you with a clear Climate Transition Plan that puts your company safely and efficiently on the path to Net-Zero.

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New Business Development zählt für etablierte Unternehmen ebenso wie für Startups zu den wichtigsten organisationalen Kompetenzen für einen nachhaltigen Wettbewerbsvorteil.
Welche Vorteile New Business Development mit sich bringt und wie Sie erfolgreich neue Zielgruppen erschließen haben wir in diesem Whitepaper zusammengefasst.
- Together, we define the permitted playing field for your future business area.
- We compare your company's strengths, weaknesses and unique selling points with potential new business areas.
- We evaluate your opportunities in new business areas (supported by our network of experts if necessary) and support you in entering the market.
Secure competitive advantages
Sustainability reporting, the springboard for future corporate success
The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) present companies with specific challenges: They require not only comprehensive reporting on environmental, social and governance issues, but also measurable reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and a sound transition plan.
With their 12 standards and numerous data points, the ESRS force companies to critically review and realign their entire value chain.
An example: A production company is faced with the complex initial situation that more than 60% of its CO₂ emissions are generated in Scope 3 - mainly from imported raw materials and energy-intensive intermediate products. The ESRS requirements now demand not only complete recording and reporting of these emissions, but also a concrete, science-based plan to reduce these values by 2030 and 2050.
In this case, the reduction of emissions in Scope 1 or Scope 2 would not contribute to the solution. The company must simultaneously meet regulatory requirements, make investment decisions and future-proof its business model - often without sufficient internal expertise for this transformation. A challenging undertaking.
Our practice-oriented approach helps you to meet these regulatory requirements efficiently and generate strategic advantages at the same time.
We combine the necessary ESRS reporting with concrete measures to reduce emissions and identify new business potential for your company.
Our proven methodology not only provides you with an ESRS-compliant transition plan, but also with implementable innovation solutions that contribute to net-zero targets and open up new markets. This turns a regulatory obligation into a competitive advantage - with measurable added value for your company and a clear path to a sustainable future.

Secure competitive advantages
Sustainability reporting, the springboard for future corporate success
The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) present companies with specific challenges: They require not only comprehensive reporting on environmental, social and governance issues, but also measurable reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and a sound transition plan.
With their 12 standards and numerous data points, the ESRS force companies to critically review and realign their entire value chain.
An example: A production company is faced with the complex initial situation that more than 60% of its CO₂ emissions are generated in Scope 3 - mainly from imported raw materials and energy-intensive intermediate products. The ESRS requirements now demand not only complete recording and reporting of these emissions, but also a concrete, science-based plan to reduce these values by 2030 and 2050.
In this case, the reduction of emissions in Scope 1 or Scope 2 would not contribute to the solution. The company must simultaneously meet regulatory requirements, make investment decisions and future-proof its business model - often without sufficient internal expertise for this transformation. A challenging undertaking.
Our practice-oriented approach helps you to meet these regulatory requirements efficiently and generate strategic advantages at the same time.
We combine the necessary ESRS reporting with concrete measures to reduce emissions and identify new business potential for your company.
Our proven methodology not only provides you with an ESRS-compliant transition plan, but also with implementable innovation solutions that contribute to net-zero targets and open up new markets. This turns a regulatory obligation into a competitive advantage - with measurable added value for your company and a clear path to a sustainable future.
The methods
The lead user method
The driving force behind innovation is often advanced users with a sense for customer requirements and the markets of tomorrow. We use these attributes in the lead user approach: experts in our global lead user network enhance your innovation projects with a wealth of experience and active collaboration.
Service design
Customer-focused services leave a lasting impression. With the service design approach, we develop an understanding for customer expectations and needs together with you. With this knowledge, we design the interaction along the customer journey to be more intuitive. Consequently, you excite customers and trust in your brand grows.
Design thinking
Design thinking solves problems systematically and accelerates the innovation process. The customer-focused approach is suitable for the development of better products, services, and business models. In an iterative and agile design process, we analyze the problem, identify solutions, and test the result together with you.
Agile project management
With innovation projects, the result is mostly uncertain and requires agility, flexibility, and quick results. Agile project management simplifies the customer-focused development of high-quality innovations, especially in product development. Work in agile teams is efficient, and the results are quickly visible.
The innovation contest
The innovation contest allows new ideas to emerge in your company. An internal competition for ideas makes the creativity of your employees visible and unveils the unexpected potential of staff. You fill your ideas pipeline efficiently and with structure, while promoting a positive culture of innovation at the same time.
Neuland betreten mit New Business Development
New Business Development, ist die komplexeste und risikoreichste Form, neuen Umsatz zu generieren. Mit einem neuen Produkt oder Service und einem neuen Geschäftsmodell wird ein bis dato unbekannten Markt erschlossen. In manchen Fällen bleibt nicht einmal die Marke bestehen.
Dieser Weg, neuen Umsatz zu generieren, steht freilich nicht allen Unternehmen offen. Betriebe, die relativ rasch neue Einkünfte brauchen, ist diese Methode nicht anzuraten. New Business Development ist vielmehr für jene Unternehmen ideal, die aus einer Position der Stärke neue Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln wollen, dafür Geld und Ressourcen in die Hand nehmen können und wollen und sich des relativ hohen Risikos des Scheiterns bewusst sind.
Um das Risiko im New Business Development zu minimieren, raten wir Ihnen, den neuen Markt und die neuen Kund:innen besonders gut kennenzulernen.
Innovationsprozess als Erfolgsfaktor einführen
Grundsätzlich geht es bei Innovationsprozessen in Unternehmen darum, einen klaren Rahmen zu schaffen, der festlegt, wie Ideen im Unternehmen eingebracht, wie sie weiterverfolgt und wie sie auf den Markt gebracht werden.
Innovationsprozess als Erfolgsfaktor einführen
Grundsätzlich geht es bei Innovationsprozessen in Unternehmen darum, einen klaren Rahmen zu schaffen, der festlegt, wie Ideen im Unternehmen eingebracht, wie sie weiterverfolgt und wie sie auf den Markt gebracht werden.
Want to learn more? Get in touch with us now and arrange a consultation date.
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”

Ing. Reinhard Mäserk ehem. Entwicklungsleiter

Frank Bistrick Abteilungsleiter Produktentwicklung

Katrin Moser Product Manager

Frank Bistrick Abteilungsleiter Produktentwicklung