Innovation management
With us, you are comprehensively innovative
Successful innovations arise through a holistic approach to innovation management. As innovation consultants, we ensure your vision changes the market. Process and structure organization, a culture of innovation, and the right innovation methods help you achieve innovation excellence.
Create space
Why do some organizations churn out innovations while others fail to complete their innovation projects? In many cases, this is down to structures, processes, and corporate culture.
Gathering inspiration
Strategic innovation management uses information from the past and the potential future. We advise you during implementation and support you with gathering information.
Realize innovation
Know which big step you want to take next? We support you methodically and professionally; assisted by our experts, partners, and the worldwide lead user network.

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How decision makers engender modern innovation management
The “house of innovation” offers a holistic solution for operational and strategic innovation management. It enables you to consistently pursue your innovation strategy and innovate on a regular basis.
Ensure your company remains competitive and innovative by using the “house of innovation” as a model.
In this paper, you will learn which measures you can take immediately and which long-term steps you should consider for holistic innovation management.
Innovation Consulting
We rev up your innovation engine. Comprehensively and permanently.
Powerful structures and innovation processes
Poorly designed structures and processes cost a lot of time and money. In contrast, a structural and process organization that is aligned towards innovation helps your employees to create something new. Clearly defined responsibilities, considered workflows, and accepted processes are the basis for churning out innovations.
Aligning a corporate culture towards innovation
A culture of innovation arises from employees' ability, volition and permission. If the capability, willingness and possibility for innovations exist, the prospects for something new increase spontaneously.
Know the future, technologies, and markets
Trends provide you with orientation for strategic and operational innovation management. With this knowledge, you yourself have a discerning eye on the smallest changes in your fields of business. If you use this advantage intelligently, your entire company works more effectively and efficiently towards innovation.
Correctly evaluate your own innovation performance
Performance indicators help you draw informed conclusions about your innovation activities. Reliable innovation KPIs underpin strategic innovation management with meaningful figures.
Innovation close to customers and markets
Know the unspoken needs of customers. Know how advanced users solve your problems. Understand which requirements customers place on your service. Recognize how you can open up new markets with your core competence. All of the above can be discovered with the right innovation method.
You have a vision – we bring it to life.
What does innovation management involve?
Wir gehen gemeinsam den Weg neuer Ideen und Innovationen.
Innovation management includes various elements and activities aimed at promoting and managing innovation in a company. In sum, innovation management can be said to encompass all measures aimed at generating new ideas, translating them into concrete products, services, or processes, and ultimately driving innovation within the company.
An important task of innovation management is the identification of new ideas and trends. The aim is to identify new technologies, market developments, or customer needs at an early stage and to derive innovation potential from them.
Another important component of innovation management is the evaluation and selection of ideas. This involves examining which ideas have the greatest potential and to what extent they can be implemented. This is often done by systematically evaluating and prioritizing the ideas submitted.
A central aspect of innovation management is the development and implementation of the selected ideas. This involves concretizing the ideas, planning the implementation steps, and coordinating the players involved. This can be done, for example, in cooperation with external partners.
In addition to implementation, the marketing of innovations also plays a decisive role. Innovation management therefore also includes measures for communication, distribution, and marketing of the new products or services.
Innovation management is a strategic task that affects the entire company. It therefore requires a holistic approach to promote innovation, optimize processes, and thus gain competitive advantages.
What do we mean by innovation?
Wir gehen gemeinsam den Weg neuer Ideen und Innovationen.
Innovation refers to the process of developing and introducing new ideas, products, services, technologies, or processes in a particular field or industry. Innovation involves the creation of something new or the improvement of something that already exists in order to bring about positive change.
Innovation can take place in a variety of areas, such as business, science, technology, or the social sector. It can take place at different levels, from small improvements to groundbreaking discoveries or inventions. Innovation processes often involve the identification of needs, the generation of ideas, the development phase, testing, and finally successful implementation.
Innovation is an important driver of economic growth and competitiveness. Through innovative solutions and products, companies can increase their market share, open up new markets, and strengthen their position. Innovation also plays a crucial role in addressing societal challenges such as climate change, healthcare provision, or digitalization.
Innovation requires creativity, courage, and a willingness to take risks. Innovation is an essential driver of progress and change, serving to find new solutions and improve the world.
Success factor: innovation management
How an organization conquers the market with innovations.
Companies need an innovative mindset and future-oriented innovation organization. Through a clear innovation strategy, effective innovation management, and the creation of a culture of innovation, companies can achieve excellence in innovation.
Creating space: innovation organization
Innovation organization is the key to a company's success. It sets the framework within which innovative ideas are developed, implemented, and brought to market. Successful innovation managers pay particular attention to holistic innovation management, especially to the innovation process and the culture of innovation.
Decision-makers should therefore pursue the development of future-oriented innovation organization as a strategic goal and work continuously on its further development. Innovation isn't something you can simply order into existence. It must be allowed to grow organically. This requires structures that support this development.
Gathering inspiration: innovation strategy
A successful innovation strategy is essential if a company is to conquer the market and position itself for the future. A well thought-out innovation strategy takes into account current market trends and the needs of customers. A close link between innovation management and corporate strategy makes it possible to bring forth innovations in a targeted manner where they offer added value for the company and its clientele.
For an innovation strategy to work, it needs appropriate targets, such as those that can be measured by innovation metrics.
An innovation-oriented organization strives to continuously generate innovative ideas and successfully bring them to market. It develops a clear innovation strategy that defines long-term goals and focuses on the needs of the market. External influences, e.g. technological developments, must also be taken into account.
Realizing innovation: innovation methods
Successful innovation organization is also characterized by the effective application of innovation methods. These methods make it possible to generate creative ideas and turn them into concrete innovations. Through a structured approach, these methods become an integral part of an organization's innovation process.
To effectively implement the innovation strategy, companies make use of appropriate innovation methods. These include things like design thinking, the integration of lead users and new business development. When choosing the appropriate innovation methods, it is important to keep the objective of the project in mind. Not every method is equally suitable for every innovation project.
Know which big step you want to take next? We support you methodically and professionally; assisted by our experts, partners, and our worldwide lead user network. Together with you, we develop a customized strategy that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. We attach great importance to you maintaining an overview at all times and being actively involved in the process.
Success Stories
Wir begleiten. Wir bewegen. Wir schaffen Raum für Visionen.
New Business Development
Identify opportunities for new business development
Search areas for new things
How roadmapping precisely traces out search areas for future innovation.
Service innovations
Barmherzige Brüder Vienna – Service design in healthcare
Product innovations
How the lead user method helped with breakthrough innovations.
“The best decision for our new business development. An open, structured collaboration based on trust that makes out-of-the-box thinking possible!”
"Everyone talks about innovation. And how important good innovation management is. Lead was the first to show how it works. And that was no accident: precise and detailed preliminary work, a structured and excellently organized Lead User Conference and a great and competent Lead team helped us to this success."
“Many issues are taken for granted by us internally and are no longer questioned. A look from the outside often helps to detach oneself from old patterns of thinking.”
„In order to survive in a competitive environment, a company must significantly differentiate itself from its competitors. Innovation is the key criterion here. A successful innovation process must be systematic, future-oriented and, above all, user-integrated. The Lead User method is one of the answers to these requirements.“
"The Lead User method came more than handy to us in order to bring the forward-looking customer even more into the foreground of our ideas than before. Because Vitrulan is regarded in our industry as an engine of innovation. This reputation fills us with a certain pride and strengthens our claim not to let up in any way in our innovative activities. We gladly accepted the offer of several years of support and advisory accompaniment from Lead Innovation Management GmbH in order to be able to realize the developed idea concepts in a professional, goal-oriented manner from the technical development to the marketing introduction in a timely manner."
Dr. Vera Rührup R&D Director at INNO FRICTION GmbH
Dr. Dr. Ildikó Amann-Zalán fmr. Head Medical Affairs & QM, Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Frank Bistrick Head of Product Development, Westfälische Provinzialversicherung
Ing. Reinhard Mäser frm. Head of Development, Julius Blum GmbH
Michael Gebhardt frm. Managing Director Vitrulan Textilglas GmbH