Innovation Studio: The smart way to innovate.
We work together on the next big innovation from your company. When doing so, we take on the risks in the early phase of your innovation project. This way you reduce development costs and increase innovation success.
The challenge
Volatile environment
An uncertain future and rapid change. This calls for innovation!
- There is a lack of time, resources and skills.
- Operational blindness blocks sight of solutions.
- Internal innovation projects are too slow.
The solution
Innovative together
Innovate with Lead Innovation, your experienced partner.
- You define the search area in which your next innovation should arise.
- As a confidential innovation partner, we develop ideas, concepts, and prototypes.
- If the results are promising, buy the turnkey innovation.
The result
Effective innovation
You secure your competitive advantage with a turnkey innovation.
- The risk involved in innovation is reduced dramatically.
- You get results developed by experienced professionals.
- Whether incremental or disruptive, your innovation performance improves in a straightforward and secure way.
Strategy issues
How do you increase your chances of success with innovation outsourcing?
How does the Innovation Fastlane increase your rate of innovation?
In established companies, many innovation projects are started but ultimately come to nothing. Often, the necessary resources or skills are lacking. The consequences of this are that projects last too long and, in the worst cases, the end result is not right.
The Innovation Studio is a results-oriented approach with which you ensure the implementation of innovations instead of getting stuck in the innovation process. Put simply, you order a turnkey invention from us with which you can get started on the market.
With this form of innovation outsourcing, you increase your company's success rate with minimal use of resources.
Make or Buy
Is there a turnkey innovation?
Is there a turnkey innovation?
We say: "Yes."
For innovation success you need creativity, speed, and special knowledge. In the VUCA World, companies can no longer manage this on their own with their own innovation or R&D department. Collaboration with external parties – be they customers or innovation partners – can reduce the pressure to innovate and the risks.
Yet the integration of external stakeholders (open innovation) does not solve the problem of inadequate resources. This is where the Innovation Studio comes in and assists you with innovation projects.
Over the years, we have found that working together on your next innovation is important in this process. You don't just hire us. Lead Innovation accompanies you as an innovation partner. And, if you are happy with the result, you can assume all the rights from us. This is the only way turnkey innovations can succeed!
Innovating together
Maximum success with minimum risk
- To the next innovation in no time and with minimal risk.
- Lead Innovation assumes the costs and risks during the development phase of the ideas.
- Only once you are happy with the result do you purchase the turnkey innovation (including all rights thereto).
- Open innovation with all the benefits. We safeguard your interests as a confidential partner.
- You benefit from our large innovation network.
Why we are right for you

You increase the success of your innovation projects. Our experience and know-how bring you more quickly to your goal.

Innovation is our job. We are innovation professionals, thinking outside the box and ensuring your innovation success.

We do not merely advise, but rather enter into a partnership with you. Only this way can successful innovation emerge.

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Der Innovationsprozess schafft einen klaren Rahmen, der die Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Dienstleistungen oder Geschäftsmodelle strukturiert und systematisch umsetzt. Die Darstellung eines Innovationsprozesses beginnt meist mit der Ideengenerierung und endet mit der Markteinführung.
- You tell us which innovation you need. An idea, target vision, or concept.
- Using the right methods and network partners, we develop the concept and the solution.
- If you are happy with the result, you accept the turnkey innovation (including all rights thereto).
Outsourcing in innovation management
The Innovation Studio is the solution for decision-makers who want to reduce risks and costs in an innovation project while increasing innovation success and speed.
With the Innovation Studio, we enter into an innovation partnership. You brief us on your innovation goal and we take over the development of the ideas. Of course, we take a discreet approach to development. Just think of us as your extended innovation department, offering you numerous advantages:
- As an innovation partner, we are not just a contractor. We bear some of the costs and risks.
- When you commission us with your next innovation, the expertise of our excellent team is at your disposal.
- With our network of lead users and experts from a wide range of industries, immensely valuable knowledge flows into our joint project.
Commission us to develop your next innovation and we'll get started together.
In the early phase of the Innovation Studio, your input (costs, personnel and other resources) is kept low. Only when concepts and prototypes are ready is the ball back in your court. Such a division of labor brings you to your goal quickly, but of course it also needs to be clearly regulated from the start. The distribution of tasks and roles as well as the subsequent assignment of the concepts and prototypes are therefore contractually stipulated in advance.
The Innovation Studio workflow:

The process steps in detail:
- Investigation
Once the innovation partnership has begun, it all starts with a 360° analysis of the potential of your innovation project. We investigate the search area which you bring to us. Our team sharpens the focus and thus increases the chances of success of our joint project. Our research specialists gather knowledge about markets and technologies. With these results, we validate the hypotheses on innovation opportunities for your company.
Costs: There is no flat fee for the investigation of the search area.
Duration: Approx. 14 working days
Legal: You own the IP rights* to the results of the search area examination. - Innovation Studio
With experts and open innovation, we identify quick solutions in this phase of the Innovation Studio. The innovation team starts its work with a clear target vision and the insights gained. This phase is usually cost- and resource-intensive for companies. With the Innovation Studio, this burden is eliminated for you. At Lead Innovation, we cover the costs and bear development risks.
With our network of experts and our methodological knowledge, we devise three solutions and a prototype.
Costs: While we work on new things in the Innovation Studio, there is no cost to you.
Duration: Depends on the job in hand and what has been agreed.
Legal: The IP rights* to solution concepts and prototypes are held by Lead Innovation Management GmbH during this phase. - Evaluation
You get 3 detailed solutions and at least one prototype. The goal of our partnership is to help you find approaches for your next innovation quickly, at low risk, and cost-effectively. In this phase, we present the results of our work. Now you have the opportunity to review the solutions in detail. You aren't buying a pig in a poke.
Costs: Please note that you will incur costs during this phase in the form of internal resources and, if necessary, patent attorneys.
Duration: 3–6 months, depending on the project
Legal: The IP rights* are held by Lead Innovation Management GmbH during this phase.
We guarantee confidentiality and the exclusive privilege to the results. - Handover
Your next innovation is within reach. Up to this point in time, the intellectual property rights are held by Lead Innovation Management GmbH. In this phase, you decide whether and which solutions you want to adopt. At the beginning of the innovation partnership, we contractually stipulated the conditions for the assignment of rights (one-off payment, shareholding, etc.).
Our ideal scenario would be that you are impressed with all the results from the Innovation Studio and that an innovation from your company emerges from every solution. However, it is also fine with us if you just purchase one solution.
Costs: Compensation depending on the agreement.
Legal: The IP rights* can be procured by the customer; e.g. purchase, licensing models. Whether and how the compensation is paid is agreed at the beginning of the Innovation Studio.
* IP rights: stands for Intellectual Property rights.
The methods
The lead user method
The driving force behind innovation is often advanced users with a sense for customer requirements and the markets of tomorrow. We use these attributes in the lead user approach: experts in our global lead user network enhance your innovation projects with a wealth of experience and active collaboration.
Service design
Customer-focused services leave a lasting impression. With the service design approach, we develop an understanding for customer expectations and needs together with you. With this knowledge, we design the interaction along the customer journey to be more intuitive. Consequently, you excite customers and trust in your brand grows.
Design thinking
Design thinking solves problems systematically and accelerates the innovation process. The customer-focused approach is suitable for the development of better products, services, and business models. In an iterative and agile design process, we analyze the problem, identify solutions, and test the result together with you.
Agile project management
With innovation projects, the result is mostly uncertain and requires agility, flexibility, and quick results. Agile project management simplifies the customer-focused development of high-quality innovations, especially in product development. Work in agile teams is efficient, and the results are quickly visible.
The innovation contest
The innovation contest allows new ideas to emerge in your company. An internal competition for ideas makes the creativity of your employees visible and unveils the unexpected potential of staff. You fill your ideas pipeline efficiently and with structure, while promoting a positive culture of innovation at the same time.
Innovationsprozess als Erfolgsfaktor einführen
Grundsätzlich geht es bei Innovationsprozessen in Unternehmen darum, einen klaren Rahmen zu schaffen, der festlegt, wie Ideen im Unternehmen eingebracht, wie sie weiterverfolgt und wie sie auf den Markt gebracht werden.
Innovationsprozess als Erfolgsfaktor einführen
Grundsätzlich geht es bei Innovationsprozessen in Unternehmen darum, einen klaren Rahmen zu schaffen, der festlegt, wie Ideen im Unternehmen eingebracht, wie sie weiterverfolgt und wie sie auf den Markt gebracht werden.
Das House of Innovation

Das House of Innovation
Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Abgeschieden wohnen sie in Buchstabhausen an der Küste des Semantik, eines großen Sprachozeans. Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden fließt durch ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nötigen Regelialien.
Es ist ein paradiesmatisches Land, in dem einem gebratene Satzteile in den Mund fliegen. Nicht einmal von der allmächtigen Interpunktion werden die Blindtexte beherrscht – ein geradezu unorthographisches Leben. Eines Tages aber beschloß eine kleine Zeile Blindtext, ihr Name war Lorem Ipsum, hinaus zu gehen in die weite Grammatik.
Want to learn more? Get in touch with us now and arrange a consultation date.

Success Stories
Joint success. The innovation excellence of our customers.
Service innovations
Barmherzige Brüder Vienna – Service design in healthcare
Product innovations
How the lead user method helped with breakthrough innovations.
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”
“Viele Sachverhalte werden von uns intern als selbstverständlich wahrgenommen und nicht mehr hinterfragt. Oft hilft ein Blick von außen, um sich von alten Denkmustern zu lösen.”

Ing. Reinhard Mäserk ehem. Entwicklungsleiter

Frank Bistrick Abteilungsleiter Produktentwicklung

Katrin Moser Product Manager