Creative steps: stimulate thought processes
Walking fosters creativity. This is proven by the Stanford study "Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking".

When you get your mind going, you can become more creative and productive. Walking is an excellent idea in this respect because it is also good for our health.
Creativity is like a muscle – the more you train it, the stronger it gets. But how exactly can we boost our thought processes?
Creative steps for boosting your thought process
Creative steps for boosting your thought process. If you feel stuck in your work or creative project, there are some creative steps that can help you find new ideas again. One way is to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Try something new or adopt an unusual perspective. There are a variety of creative techniques that can help you with this.
Another way is to change your environment and seek out new places or people. This can help you find fresh inspiration and stimulate the thinking process. Using sources of inspiration such as music or art can also be helpful. You should also take time to take breaks and get away from work to give your mind some space and reorganize your thoughts. Visualization techniques such as diagrams or tables can also help to better present and structure ideas. Try out one of these methods – who knows what new ideas will emerge!
How do you encourage yourself to get out of your comfort zone?
"How do I get myself out of my comfort zone?" We've probably all asked ourselves this question at some point.
- Step 1: realization
The first step is to realize that we are stuck in a comfort zone and that it is time to try something new. - Step 2: the list
It can be helpful to make a list of things you've always wanted to do or set goals that you want to achieve. - Step 3: step by step
Then try to take small steps towards these goals and focus on your progress.
For example, if you are shy and have difficulty speaking in front of other people, you can try speaking in small groups or taking part in a course to help you improve your skills.
- Step 4: get up. Dust yourself down. Carry on.
The key here, however, is not to give up! It may be unpleasant and there may be setbacks, but be patient and keep at it!
What is the best timing and when should you take a break?
The best timing for creative work is subjective and depends on many factors, such as your individual working rhythm and your working environment. Some people work best in the early morning, while others can only unleash their creative energies late at night. However, if you find your thinking process slowing down or your creativity stagnating, taking a break can be an effective way to refresh your mind and find new inspiration.
But when should you take a break? The answer again depends on your personal needs. Some experts recommend taking a short break every 90 minutes to avoid fatigue and increase efficiency. Others prefer longer breaks after several hours of intensive work or even a whole day off per week to recharge their batteries. Experiment and find out what works best for you!
How does the right environment influence the thought process?
The right environment can have a significant impact on your thought process. Working in a crowded and noisy place can lead to distractions that can limit your creativity. A calm and relaxed atmosphere, on the other hand, can help you concentrate better and allow ideas to flow more freely. Why not try a different environment – a café with an inspiring atmosphere or a quiet park near your workplace could help you clear your mind and generate new ideas.
A team of researchers from Stanford found that movement, for example, has a positive effect on the creative process. It made no difference whether the study participants went for a walk in the fresh air or stared at a bare wall while exercising on a treadmill.
How do you find new inspiration in new places or people?
Whether you are an artist, writer, or entrepreneur, it is important that you are always inspired by new things. A great way to do this is to connect with new people and discover new places. For example, if you have a writing pad and don't know what to write next, try taking a walk through an unfamiliar neighborhood. Put simply: venture new paths.
The key is to get out of your comfort zone and experience something new. New impressions can stimulate the mind and help you get out of a dead end. It can also be very helpful to meet new people – whether that be at a conference (perhaps a lead user conference 😉), a seminar, or a networking event.
The exchange of ideas and perspectives can be very inspiring. Keep in mind that inspiration is lurking everywhere! Keep your eyes and ears open for everything around you and use every opportunity to stimulate your thought processes!
Your ideas can change the world!
The bottom line is that there are many ways to boost your thinking process and increase your creativity. Try out different techniques to find out which works best for you. Venture out of your comfort zone and look for new inspiration in unusual places or in the company of people from different backgrounds. Also use sources of inspiration such as music or art to get your thoughts going. Just remember that timing is important and breaks are also necessary to avoid exhaustion. Last but not least, the right environment can help to stimulate the thought process.
With these tips, you can give your mind new stimuli and develop more creativity – so let's get started!
1) Oppezzo, M., & Schwartz, D. L. (2014). Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(4), 1142–1152.